Tuesday, February 28, 2012

BJ's Quilt Studio

I'm thinking a blog is a better way to share my quilt art than a website because I can add comments and pieces one at a time. Sort of the same process I go through in building a quilt. My goal is to archive most of my pieces, especially those rolled under a bed that don't see the light of day (daylight being an enemy of fabric).
SAILING BEFORE LUNCH, 37"x 40" shows the brighter colors I've been attracted to recently (made 2011). The idea sprung from seeing the sailboats on the Fowey river in Cornwall, and the holiday feel. I had a fabric with these charming plates and ended up appliqueing several items cut from chintz fabrics. The water is stripped blues and painted. The table cloth is also painted, a copy of the one I like so much in my studio. There's a gold silk fabric in the curtains, a gift brought by Joe back from India.

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